The University of California, Riverside’s School of Business Administration just added two new programs – a Master of Finance degree and a Flex MBA Program – to its fall 2013 lineup.

Full-time students can complete the new Master of Finance degree in nine months, or complete the program as a part-time student in two years. The program is geared specifically toward finance professions, leading to careers in private wealth management, corporate finance and cash and risk management. It’s aimed at students coming from business, science or mathematics backgrounds.

The university hopes that the new Master of Finance degree will help students learn how to take a broad, global view of finances, as opposed to a narrow focus of study that ignores larger issues. As the university noted, such a narrow view of financial markets added to the financial collapse of 2008: Narrowly trained financial engineers designed instruments that, in hindsight, had unforeseen consequences and major negative effects. The university hopes that the new degree program will better prepare students for today’s complex, interdependent and global financial climate.

The university’s new Flex MBA program is, as its title implies, tailored for returning students who want to earn their MBA, but need a program that can fit into a busy schedule. It’s meant to serve working professionals, students who have large time commitments at home, international students or full-time students who just want to fast-track their studies. Students tailor the pace of the degree program to their own needs, completing it in as little as 20 months of full-time study or over the course of several years as a part-time student. The 80-unit program, which offers weekday and evening classes, allows students full access to the university’s career placement services at the A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management.

Both degree programs prepare students for well-paying jobs in the corporate sector. Corporate financial analysts, for example, make $73,000 per year, on average, according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook. Students attaining the master’s degree and an MBA will enter a growth industry. Job growth for the financial analyst position, for example, is at 23 percent, higher than the national average.


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