AVer is helping the world of higher education go mobile – as much in the classroom as outside of it. According to a Feb. 26 press release, the company has announced its new TabCam solution, an iPad-based video system for classroom lectures.

TabCam is an adaptable tool for professors to use with a myriad of different digital materials, firmly placing unwieldy projector ports in the past. The software allows professors to display or record video wirelessly, and write or scribble over the video, digital image or text in real time.

The iPad projector app is designed to help professors create lessons that can be drawn from multiple documents and downloaded onto a cloud-based system for future display on a whiteboard. The software is also compatible with YouTube, Dropbox and Facebook. Instructors can give and record a lecture, and then post it online for absent students to view at a later date.

An integral part of the system is the TabCam, a piece of necessary hardware that captures live video from the classroom and streams it to the iPad. As AVer points out on its website, this is designed to, “wirelessly stream video of textbooks, artifacts, science experiments, even student presentations and displays them live through the iPad.”

One of the goals that AVer has for its new technology is to provide a solution for every type of classroom, especially those that incorporate online learning elements. For instance, if a professor wants a traditional classroom without many online components, the app makes the experience more streamlined. If the professor prefers a flipped class, where lectures are posted online and classroom time is devoted to activities? The recording features of the software become especially handy. If the professor wants a hybrid learning system, combining both Internet and classroom features, TabCam can be used in nearly every facet of the teaching process.

AVer has also introduced TabSync, a storage unit that can hold and sync up to 32 different iPads. This is ideal for classes that use school-owned iPads to teach labs or lessons.


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