Though more than a third of consumers shop online, many of them become more antagonistic towards brands that they shop for online, according to a recent Gallup survey.
Data shows that only 17% of online shoppers remain fully engaged with a brand while shopping for their products online.
More than half (58%) of consumers are indifferent toward a brand after shopping for their products online and 25% become actively disengaged with a brand after online shopping.
Customer engagement might not seem like a big deal when the consumers are still spending money, but past Gallup data shows that engagement is strongly connected to how a business performs.
A 2014 Gallup study showed that customers that are completely engaged with a brand bring an average premium of 24% in sales, profits, revenue and other factors. Disengaged customer led to a 19% discount in the same areas.
Fixing customer engagement for online services seems to come down to service, according to the data. Though customers want quality products, their engagement levels often are tied to customer service.
Problem resolution was one of the most imperative areas that impact consumer engagement, according to Gallup. Companies that focus on providing top-notch customer service may have a competitive edge over competitors that focus only on providing great products.
The survey identified three areas of improvement for brands looking to get their online customers fully engaged: focus on service, align in-store and online efforts and get online services right the first time.
The latter point was especially important, according to a 2013 Gallup study. Though 82% of consumers did product research online and 72% made online comparisons between products, just 34% ended up making a purchase through the online environment.
If a consumer doesn’t have a good experience online the first time, it lessens the chance of a future purchase.