LinkedinLinkedIn users might have noticed a lot of rich content on their feeds recently from major influencers like business mogul and philanthropist, Bill Gates and founder of Virgin Group, Richard Branson.

These efforts have been part of the social network’s content marketing focus, a trend that the company is continuing with the release of two new tools to help businesses measure their content engagement.

Sixty percent of LinkedIn’s over 277 million users go to the site for insight into their industry, according to the company’s best practices.

To help businesses learn more about how their content is doing, the new “Content Marketing Score” (CMS) tool uses data to quantify the effectiveness of paid and organic content that a company shares on LinkedIn.

Calculating the content marketing score is done by dividing the amount of people who have engaged with any of a company’s LinkedIn content by the overall amount of LinkedIn users who have interacted with other content in the same subject area.

The CMS tool measures how engaged the audience is with the content being shared and offers targeted recommendations on how a company can improve its engagement.

Businesses can also use the new “Trending Content” tool to learn what topics are being shared the most by a particular audience so they can tailor their content accordingly.

Both of the new tools can be customized using filters like region, industry and company size.

LinkedIn also created an infographic  that highlights the capabilities of the CMS tool.

Using the new “Content Marketing Score,” the infographic shows the industries that are currently getting the most engagement from their LinkedIn content are high tech, media, professional services, financial services, education, manufacturing, consumer, recreational, medical and transportation.

In order to use the new content insight tools, companies have to work with an account representative from LinkedIn. The tools are currently available at no cost.

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