Facebook at WorkThe days of getting into trouble for surfing Facebook at work may soon be coming to an end. The social media powerhouse is reportedly working on a project that’s meant to take on professional networking sites, such as LinkedIn, in a direct manner.

Dubbed “Facebook at Work,” the new platform would operate separately from the existing social media platform that has attracted some 1 billion users worldwide.

That means users’ professional profiles would be kept separate from their personal ones, avoiding concerns about weekend antics mixing with workweek pursuits of a more serious nature.

The Financial Times recently shed light on this developing project, quoting anonymous sources at Facebook while detailing how the new platform would be similar to the highly popular social media site.

More importantly, the report also shows how Facebook at Work would differ from the social site and other professional networking sites currently available.

The new platform, the Timesreported, would incorporate a host of features that would not only make it workplace friendly, but would also deliver value to professional users.

Facebook’s new venture is meant to combine the best of the existing social media platform’s features with a variety of other tools to create a single, valuable interface for use in the workplace. The end result would be a platform that not only facilitates networking, but also delivers value in day-to-day corporate operations.

While Facebook has yet to officially comment on the project, Financial Times’sources say the new site will look a great deal like the Facebook users are accustomed to. It will retain such features as groups, messaging, chatting and the news feed, providing an air of familiarity for users while offering valuable tools.

Unlike the existing site, however, Facebook at Work will reportedly provide users the ability to create collaborative documents similar to the services offered by Google Drive, Dropbox and Microsoft Office. Collaboration features would add value over standard networking while making the new platform potentially valuable in the workplace.

How soon Facebook intends to launch this newest offering remains unclear. Attempts by several media outlets to gain official elaboration from the company were not responded to.

Even so, the creation of such a platform by Facebook makes sense as a next move into the market, Wired.com pointed out.

“If Facebook could be the engine running the workplace, then it would have a captive audience, which would make the platform even more appealing to its true end users – advertisers,” the technology website posted.

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