Fastest Internet ClevelandBusinesses in Cleveland will soon be able to take advantage of game-changing Internet speeds, with the addition of a new infrastructure sometime next year.

A partnership between the city and OneCommunity, a nonprofit organization that offers broadband, hopes to bring a 100-gigabit-per-second (Gbps) connection to Cleveland’s Health-Tech Corridor, home to hospitals, businesses and over 100 technology companies.

Updating from a 10 Gbps to a 100 Gbps broadband connection can have major benefits for residents, businesses and the healthcare system. Using this sort of connection, uploads and downloads can take place about 200 times faster than the average upload and download speeds in the U.S.

Bringing that sort of power into the city can help attract new businesses and career opportunities to Cleveland. It can be a huge lure for recruiting top talent and attracting both big brands and forward-thinking start-ups to the area.

From a medical perspective, this project could help with innovation. John Foley, the CIO of University Hospitals of Cleveland, expects that the improved data speeds could lead to new medical technology and treatment options.

The project was announced at a press conference on Friday in the University Circle, with several prominent speakers including, the CEO of OneCommunity, Lev Gonick.

Gonick explained how the new Internet connections can help turn into Cleveland the first city in the country that allows commercial operations to connect to such high-speed networks on a national and global level.

Cleveland is contributing $200,000 to the project. About $700,000 in federal funding came from the efforts of OneCommunity and the Cleveland City Hall. With all of the funds combined, the project should cost a little over $1 million.

Though Cleveland residents will not yet have access to the lightning fast Internet in their homes, it could be an option within five to seven years.

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