Working from HomeThree magic words probably enticed you to read this article: working from home.

Articles about workplace flexibility and work from home career options have been everywhere lately. Those three simple words have caused major reactions across various publications and social media.

Though the idea of getting work done in pajamas is appealing to many, work-life balance and cost-savings are among the reasons so many companies are offering this option.

Work from home options have been on the rise, according to the United States Census Bureau. Between 1997 and 2010, the number of employees who work from home has increased by 4.2 million.

If you want to join the ranks of those who get to spend at least part of their week working from home, getting a business degree may be a good first step.

Why Business?

Out of the 9.4 million workers that work exclusively from home, a little more than 50% have at least a bachelor’s degree. For the 4 million workers who work at least part-time from home, more than 63% of them have a bachelor’s degree or higher.

Though those statistics include multiple areas of study, business is one of the top fields that allow work from home job opportunities. The business field is so well-suited to home-based employment that 1 in 4 work from home employees work in business, management or financial positions.

Since most home-based employees have degrees and business fields are one of the most common areas that allow work from home, business graduates may have a better chance of finding work from home job options.

Why Work From Home?

Working from home may not be for everyone, as it does take discipline and organization to pull it off successfully. But for motivated employees and well-run organizations, work from home options can be really beneficial.

For employees, working from home is like being given extra hours in the day. So many people spend a chunk of their work week just driving to work. Commuting is a major time suck, especially for people who don’t have public transportation options and have to drive to work.

Fitting in a workout, making appointments and parenting duties may be easier to manage for a home-based employee.

Some companies are afraid of the idea, but there are benefits for them as well. Overhead costs can be significantly lower when less people are in an office.

Attracting talent can also be easier. Instead of just hiring locally, work from home job options allow companies to look across the country for the best talent. This can be especially important for attracting Millennials: 51% of Millennial women and a third of Millennial men said that working from home would be an option for their ideal careers, according to a study by Bentley University.

Would you work from home if given the opportunity? Tweet to let me know using the hashtag #workfromhome.


Erin PalmerErin Palmer is a writer and editor who has worked from home and in an office environment. Her work has appeared in numerous publications and websites, including The Chicago Tribune and The Huffington Post.

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