In a nutshell: Looking for people to follow on Twitter? We’ve got some suggestions.

Today, Twitter is a vital tool for businesses and individuals that want to build their brands, share information with followers, develop a professional voice and — let’s face it — have a little fun. Part of Twitter’s charm is its instantaneousness. Responses come in real-time, and there’s not much of a filter between the writer and the reader. Another thing that sets Twitter apart from other social media networks is that it requires brevity. Tweets were originally limited to 140 characters, although that restriction was recently upped to 240 characters. As a result, tweeters are forced to be creative concise; brevity and clarity are prized.

You’ve probably got a Twitter account. After all, there were 330 active monthly users according to statistics gathered in Q3 2017, and the number is rising every quarter. Now, here are some ideas on who to follow.

How Do I Become a Better Leader?

Ken Blanchard: This management training guru has written more than 60 books, including the influential One Minute Manager. He has few original posts — he is more of a curator, finding the best articles from all over the internet.


I Want to Be Inspired

Roy T. Bennett: The author of the Light in the Heart posts his own inspirational quotes, as well as quotes from historical and literary figures such as A.A. Milne and Booker T. Washington.

How Do I Promote my Company?

Gary Vaynerchuk: Vaynerchuk, an entrepreneur, speaker and author, is adept at promotion — especially promoting himself. And that’s a good thing. You can learn from his example to promote your company. Love him or hate him, but definitely follow him!

How Do I Get Ahead in the Technology Field?

Femgineer: This organization’s mission is to “educate, empower and encourage” professionals in the technology field. Follow Femgineer for insight, advice and inspirational stories.

I’d Like to Keep an Eye on the Skies

Veronica McGregor: The social media manager for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory isn’t just interesting to follow if you love science. McGregor’s exemplifies how you can use an authentic voice in Twitter to share the progress of your organization’s efforts and projects. We only wish she tweeted more often.

Whom Should I Follow for a Laugh?

MoonPie: We don’t know who’s running this account for the classic snack, but it’s completely off the wall and breathes new life into an old brand. It never fails to make us chuckle (and make us a little hungry). By the way, if you’re reading this @MoonPie, our favorite flavor is banana.

Where Do I Get my Breaking News?

CNN Breaking News: There are a lot of news sites, but CNN’s breaking news Twitter account is usually the first to report on important stories. (For breaking world news, follow BBC Breaking News, and for breaking business news, check out CNN Money.)

Where Can I Get Small Business Tips?

Business Administration Information: Of course we’re going to promote our own Twitter account! We share our own content and collect useful articles from other sources.

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